![]() booktube /bʊktjuːb/ The book-specific subset of the YouTube community with hundreds and thousands of viewers worldwide. You know that feeling when you just can’t stop talking about the book you’ve just read? When all you want in the world is to find someone else who loves it just as much as you do, so you can keep talking and talking and talking and hearing as many different thoughts on this book as humanly possible? Allow me to introduce booktube, a community of people who are just as passionate about reading as you are, with hours of content, both old and new, for you to get your daily fix of book-based chatter. Read on for Rowanvale Books’ list of the top five booktubers you should start with!
We hope this list has opened up the world of booktube for you, and maybe even inspired you to start your own channel! Comments are closed.
August 2024