Easy Steps
Always believe in the journey of writing
It might be difficult and sometimes wrought with self-doubt,
but you have to understand that part of the final product is the journey itself.
but you have to understand that part of the final product is the journey itself.
Get into a writing routine
Whether writing is something you do on the side or it's your full-time job, make sure you establish a small routine that best helps you. Whatever that looks like —sitting down at 5am and trying to churn out 2,000 or writing after your day job ends and only getting down 250 words — remember, everyone works differently. Don’t beat yourself up because you didn’t write as many words as you would have liked. Everyone works at a different pace.
Be wary of publishers who over promise and under deliver
Sadly, there are self-publishers out there who charge extortionate rates often to only let their authors down. Do your research before picking a company to work with. The likelihood is you’ll be working very closely together, so it is worth researching an ethical and fair publisher who cares about the story more than its profits.
Invest in a good publishing company (us!)
Having a good publisher makes all the difference. Finding one that also offers different pre- and post-publication packages can really help boost your sales. Whether it’s illustrations or marketing that you need help with, it pays to find a publishing company that can liaise between different departments for you. Luckily at RV, we’re a tight-knit family that can do this on your behalf, so we're able to help with all aspects of the publication process.
Market, market, market
Publishing your book is only half the battle; the rest remains in the hands of marketing. Since you know it best, you are your book's biggest sales tool. Look for a publishing company that can assist your marketing efforts, rather than leaving you to do this completely on your own.