The New England Net (4) (The Dave Bradley series)
Michael Elia
After a mob of drug dealers attacks Timlook Police Department, Detectives Dave Bradley, James Mitchell and Nicole Lamenski link the attempted massacre to Matt and Ray Mck-Fee, younger brothers of James Mck-Fee, who Melissa Morgan gunned down in 2000 to protect Dave.
The Mck-Fee brothers now run a network of drug cartels from Chicago to the east coast and want revenge on Dave's team for the self-defense killing nine years earlier. The team of detectives follows the trail to Chicago, where they team up with Sam Ringwood's Miami Vice Squad and his son Toby, a lawyer, but another massacre results in Nicole lying in critical condition at her uncle's place and Melissa being seriously injured. Can Dave, Jim and Dale protect Melissa from the Mck-Fees' ugly retribution? The long pursuit to Pennsylvania becomes a deadly ordeal to stay alive as the New England Net closes in on Dave's detectives. Genre: Crime, Thrillers and Mystery