How to Negotiate When SellingRobert Woodland-Ferrari
When sales are rarely concerned with a single item with a single price and delivery, negotiation is an essential part of the selling process. The perfect deal leaves all parties involved feeling that they have reached a mutually agreeable conclusion, but there are many traps awaiting the unwary negotiator.
Through bitesize chapters containing a wealth of directly applicable tips, How to Negotiate When Selling acts as your guide through the minefield of negotiation. Learn how to negotiate excellent deals that contain the essential ingredient of mutual satisfaction and bring your prospects one step closer to becoming Everlasting Clients. *** Sales IMPACT is a comprehensive sales training and development series that shares the essentials of the sales process so you can meet the demands of the modern sales environment. By enabling you to dip into the elements of selling that you recognise you need to master or improve, the Sales IMPACT series provides a flexible programme that meets individual needs and contains the distilled experience of many years of successful selling by some of the top professionals in this field. This unique process of self-study in small, easily digestible segments not only improves knowledge retention but significantly reduces time out of the selling environment. Genre: Non-Fiction